Class weasel.SpreadpointSoundTracker23
Defined in: SpreadpointSoundTracker23.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
weasel.SpreadpointSoundTracker23(aModuleData, iPlaybackFrequency, iSampleScannerMode)
Create a Mnemotron's Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3 module out of the provided data (which has already passed the module sniffer test).
- Fields borrowed from class weasel.UltimateSoundTracker121:
- NTSC, PAL, TimingOverrides
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Get the number of instruments supported by the module format.
Get the Module Header Size used by the module format, it is also the starting offset for the pattern data.
Get the pattern sequence table in M.K.
Get the length of the M.K.
- Methods borrowed from class weasel.DOCSoundTracker22:
- clearVisitedSequenceTable, restartSong, setTickSpeed
- Methods borrowed from class weasel.DOCSoundTracker9:
- getLengthOfSongInMilliSeconds, getSongPositionInMilliSeconds, processTick0Effects
- Methods borrowed from class weasel.UltimateSoundTracker121:
- changePlaybackFrequency, extractPatterns, fetchRow, findMaximumPatternNumber, getChannel, getCIATimerConstant, getCurrentPatternCell, getCurrentPatternRowPosition, getCurrentSequencePosition, getCurrentTick, getFSTPanningMode, getInstrument, getMasterVolume, getModuleData, getModuleType, getNoiseTrackerLoopQuirkEnabled, getNoteFromPeriod, getNumberOfChannels, getPattern, getPatternNumber, getPatternSizeInBytes, getPlaybackFrequency, getProtracker3SampleOffsetMode, getProtrackerTremoloSawtoothBugMode, getSongSpeed, getTickSpeed, getTimingOverride, getTitle, getVibratoMode, hasSongEnded, numberOfUniquePatternsInSong, play, processEffects, processPattern, setClockConstant, setCurrentSequencePosition, setFST7BitPanningMode, setMasterVolume, setProtracker3SampleOffsetMode, setProtrackerTremoloSawtoothBugMode, setSamplesPerTick, setSongSpeed, setVibratoMode, startPendingSample, tickPlaybackRateInHz, timingOverride, WaitForDMAToStop
Class Detail
weasel.SpreadpointSoundTracker23(aModuleData, iPlaybackFrequency, iSampleScannerMode)
Create a Mnemotron's Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3 module out of the provided data (which has already passed the module sniffer test).
Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3 is the origin of the M.K. format and extends the
DOC Soundtracker 2.2 by adding 16 samples (total 31) and the Volume Slide Command.
Author: Warren Willmey 2012.
Author: Warren Willmey 2012.
- Parameters:
- {Array|Uint8Array} aModuleData
- = The Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3 module as a byte array that MUST have passed the module sniffer test.
- {int} iPlaybackFrequency
- = The playback frequency in hertz to use (e.g. 44100 ).
- {weasel.Sample.prototype.SampleScannerMode} iSampleScannerMode
- = Scan for IFF Header corruption residue?.
Method Detail
Get the number of instruments supported by the module format.
- Returns:
- {int} The total number of instruments this format supports ( 31 for M.K. Spreadpoint Soundtracker etc).
Get the Module Header Size used by the module format, it is also the starting offset for the pattern data.
- Returns:
- {int} the Module Header Size used by the module format, it is also the starting offset for the pattern data.
Get the pattern sequence table in M.K. 31 instrument module as its in a different location.
- Returns:
- {Array} = The Pattern Sequence Table.
Get the length of the M.K. 31 instrument Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3+ module in patterns.
- Returns:
- {int} = Length of song in patterns.