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Class weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23

Defined in: FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Object containing constants that a Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3/2.4 module requires, in addition to those defined in FormatUltimateSoundTracker121, FormatDOCSoundTracker9 & FormatDOCSoundTracker22.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The supported effects in a Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3 module in addition to those in DOC Soundtracker 2.2 & DOC Soundtracker 9.
The maximum size of a sample (in bytes) in a Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3/2.4 module.
The size of the M.K.
The size in byte of the M.K.
The number of instruments in a Ultimate Soundtracker module.
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to the first pattern.
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to the Pattern Sequence Table.
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to the Song Length.
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to where the Song Speed (also refered to as the BPM, Beats Per Minute) is stored.
Class Detail
Object containing constants that a Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3/2.4 module requires, in addition to those defined in FormatUltimateSoundTracker121, FormatDOCSoundTracker9 & FormatDOCSoundTracker22. The main changes in Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.4 are in the Editor, the only changes in the replay routine are bug fixes.
Field Detail
<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.Effects
The supported effects in a Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3 module in addition to those in DOC Soundtracker 2.2 & DOC Soundtracker 9.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.MaxSampleSize
The maximum size of a sample (in bytes) in a Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3/2.4 module.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.MinimumHeaderSize
The size of the M.K. Soundtracker header plus the first pattern (which is always present). This represents the bare minimum amount of data needed for a M.K. Soundtracker module.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.ModuleHeaderSize
The size in byte of the M.K. 31 instrument Soundtracker module header, after this the pattern data appears.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.NumberOfInstruments
The number of instruments in a Ultimate Soundtracker module.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.PatternData
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to the first pattern.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.PatternSequenceTable
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to the Pattern Sequence Table. This table contains the order that each pattern is play in.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.SongLength
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to the Song Length. Which is the number of patterns listed in the Pattern Sequence Table before the song restarts back to Pattern Sequence Table entry 0. It should be noted that there may be other unused patterns listed pasted the end of the song.

<static> weasel.FormatSpreadpointSoundTracker23.SongSpeed
The offset in bytes, from the beginning of the module, to where the Song Speed (also refered to as the BPM, Beats Per Minute) is stored. The Song Speed has a range of 0-220, this limit was set down in Ultimate Soundtracker 1.8. However the ability to change this value was removed in The New Masters Soundtracker 1.0 and has been missing ever since. Modules saved from DOC Soundtracker 2.0 & 2.2 Spreadpoint 2.3,2.4 & 2.5 all save the default value of 120. Noisetracker decided to reuse this byte as the song sequence restart position. And the Protracker series (1.0c, 2.1a) marks its Soundtracker files with 127.

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