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Class weasel.PatternColumn

Defined in: PatternColumn.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Object to contain a Pattern Column, (4 columns per Pattern, one for each sound channel).
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get the PatternCell object from the Pattern Column.
Class Detail
Object to contain a Pattern Column, (4 columns per Pattern, one for each sound channel).
Author: Warren Willmey 2011.
{bool} bSoundtrackerCellType
= Choose which Pattern Cell object to use: true = Ultimate Soundtracker 15 sample cell type, false = M.K. Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3+ 31 sample type.
Method Detail
{weasel.PatternCell} getCell(iRowNumber)
Get the PatternCell object from the Pattern Column.
{int} iRowNumber
= The row cell to fetch (0-63 range).
{weasel.PatternCell} = The PatternCell object at the give row, or null if out of range.

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