Class weasel.DOCSoundTracker22
Defined in: DOCSoundTracker22.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
weasel.DOCSoundTracker22(aModuleData, iPlaybackFrequency, iSampleScannerMode)
Create a DOC Soundtracker 2.2 module out of the provided data (which has already passed the module sniffer test).
- Fields borrowed from class weasel.UltimateSoundTracker121:
- NTSC, PAL, TimingOverrides
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Clear the Sequence Position Tracking table as Soundtracker 2.2 modules need
their Sequence Positions tracked to find out if a song has looped via the
Sequence Position Jump Command.
Restart song from beginning of module, Soundtracker 2.2 modules
need their Sequence Positions tracked to find out if a song has looped via the Sequence Position Jump Command.
Set the row tick speed.
- Methods borrowed from class weasel.DOCSoundTracker9:
- getLengthOfSongInMilliSeconds, getSongPositionInMilliSeconds, processTick0Effects
- Methods borrowed from class weasel.UltimateSoundTracker121:
- changePlaybackFrequency, extractPatterns, fetchRow, findMaximumPatternNumber, FormatInstrumentTotal, FormatModuleHeaderSize, getChannel, getCIATimerConstant, getCurrentPatternCell, getCurrentPatternRowPosition, getCurrentSequencePosition, getCurrentTick, getFSTPanningMode, getInstrument, getMasterVolume, getModuleData, getModuleType, getNoiseTrackerLoopQuirkEnabled, getNoteFromPeriod, getNumberOfChannels, getPattern, getPatternNumber, getPatternSizeInBytes, getPlaybackFrequency, getProtracker3SampleOffsetMode, getProtrackerTremoloSawtoothBugMode, getSequenceTable, getSongLengthInPatterns, getSongSpeed, getTickSpeed, getTimingOverride, getTitle, getVibratoMode, hasSongEnded, numberOfUniquePatternsInSong, play, processEffects, processPattern, setClockConstant, setCurrentSequencePosition, setFST7BitPanningMode, setMasterVolume, setProtracker3SampleOffsetMode, setProtrackerTremoloSawtoothBugMode, setSamplesPerTick, setSongSpeed, setVibratoMode, startPendingSample, tickPlaybackRateInHz, timingOverride, WaitForDMAToStop
Class Detail
weasel.DOCSoundTracker22(aModuleData, iPlaybackFrequency, iSampleScannerMode)
Create a DOC Soundtracker 2.2 module out of the provided data (which has already passed the module sniffer test).
DOC Soundtracker 2.0 & 2.2 are based upon Master Soundtracker V1.0 which in
turn is DOC Soundtracker 9 and Jungle Commands Soundtracker 2 & 3.
It supports all the Effect Commands in DOC Soundtracker 9 and adds two more:
B - Sequence Position Jump.
D - Pattern Break.
DOC Soundtracker 2.0 & 2.2 replay source is based on Jungle Commands Soundtracker 2 & 3.
DOC Soundtracker 2.2 is also the last of the 15 sample modules, Spreadpoint Soundtracker 2.3
adds the M.K. format.
Author: Warren Willmey 2012.
Author: Warren Willmey 2012.
- Parameters:
- {Array|Uint8Array} aModuleData
- = The DOC Soundtracker 2.2 module as a byte array that MUST have passed the module sniffer test.
- {int} iPlaybackFrequency
- = The playback frequency in hertz to use (e.g. 44100 ).
- {weasel.Sample.prototype.SampleScannerMode} iSampleScannerMode
- = Scan for IFF Header corruption residue?.
Method Detail
Clear the Sequence Position Tracking table as Soundtracker 2.2 modules need
their Sequence Positions tracked to find out if a song has looped via the
Sequence Position Jump Command.
Restart song from beginning of module, Soundtracker 2.2 modules
need their Sequence Positions tracked to find out if a song has looped via the Sequence Position Jump Command.
Set the row tick speed.
- Parameters:
- {int} iTickSpeed
- = The new row tick speed to use (0-15), a value of 0 is ignored.