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Class weasel.FSTModule

Extends weasel.ProTrackerMK.

Defined in: TakeTrackerFastTrackerModule.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
weasel.FSTModule(aModuleData, iPlaybackFrequency, iSampleScannerMode)
Create a TakeTracker/FastTracker Module (a 2-32 channel M.K.
Fields borrowed from class weasel.UltimateSoundTracker121:
NTSC, PAL, TimingOverrides
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
calcFineTune(oChannel, iNotePeriod)
Taketracker/Fasttracker get the note period value with fine tuning applied.
Get the note and octave from the period value (which is stored in the pattern) Taketracker/Fastracker has an additional 3 octaves over Ultimate Soundtracker.
Get the number of channels in this module.
Get the pattern size in bytes of this module.
play(oAudioBuffer, bIgnoreFilter, iSamples)
Play this Fasttracker/Taketracker module into the given AudioBuffer object.
Methods borrowed from class weasel.ProTrackerMK:
clearVisitedSequenceTable, getLengthOfSongInMilliSeconds, getSongPositionInMilliSeconds, setSongSpeed, setTickSpeed, tickPlaybackRateInHz, timingOverride, WaitForDMAToStop
Methods borrowed from class weasel.SpreadpointSoundTracker23:
FormatInstrumentTotal, FormatModuleHeaderSize, getSequenceTable, getSongLengthInPatterns
Methods borrowed from class weasel.DOCSoundTracker22:
Methods borrowed from class weasel.DOCSoundTracker9:
Methods borrowed from class weasel.UltimateSoundTracker121:
changePlaybackFrequency, extractPatterns, fetchRow, findMaximumPatternNumber, getChannel, getCIATimerConstant, getCurrentPatternCell, getCurrentPatternRowPosition, getCurrentSequencePosition, getCurrentTick, getFSTPanningMode, getInstrument, getMasterVolume, getModuleData, getModuleType, getNoiseTrackerLoopQuirkEnabled, getPattern, getPatternNumber, getPlaybackFrequency, getProtracker3SampleOffsetMode, getProtrackerTremoloSawtoothBugMode, getSongSpeed, getTickSpeed, getTimingOverride, getTitle, getVibratoMode, hasSongEnded, numberOfUniquePatternsInSong, processEffects, processPattern, setClockConstant, setCurrentSequencePosition, setFST7BitPanningMode, setMasterVolume, setProtracker3SampleOffsetMode, setProtrackerTremoloSawtoothBugMode, setSamplesPerTick, setVibratoMode, startPendingSample
Class Detail
weasel.FSTModule(aModuleData, iPlaybackFrequency, iSampleScannerMode)
Create a TakeTracker/FastTracker Module (a 2-32 channel M.K. module from TakeTracker/FastTracker/DigiBoost) format out of the provided data (which has already passed the module sniffer test).
Author: Warren Willmey 2013.
{Array|Uint8Array} aModuleData
= The TakeTracker/FastTracker Module module as a byte array that MUST have passed the module sniffer test.
{int} iPlaybackFrequency
= The playback frequency in hertz to use (e.g. 44100 ).
{weasel.Sample.prototype.SampleScannerMode} iSampleScannerMode
= Scan for IFF Header corruption residue?.
Method Detail
{int} calcFineTune(oChannel, iNotePeriod)
Taketracker/Fasttracker get the note period value with fine tuning applied.
{weasel.Channel} oChannel
= The channel object to start its pending sample.
{int} iNotePeriod
= The note period yet to be set for this oChannel object.
{int} = The note period corrected for fine tuning.

{String} getNoteFromPeriod(iNotePeriod)
Get the note and octave from the period value (which is stored in the pattern) Taketracker/Fastracker has an additional 3 octaves over Ultimate Soundtracker.
{int} iNotePeriod
= The Period value of the note.
{String} = The note and octave (in the format note octave e.g. 'C-2' or 'G#1'), or '???' if not found.

{int} getNumberOfChannels()
Get the number of channels in this module.
{int} The number of channels in this module.

{int} getPatternSizeInBytes()
Get the pattern size in bytes of this module.
{int} The size of each pattern in bytes for this module type.

play(oAudioBuffer, bIgnoreFilter, iSamples)
Play this Fasttracker/Taketracker module into the given AudioBuffer object.
{weasel.AudioBuffer} oAudioBuffer
= The AudioBuffer object to render to.
{bool} bIgnoreFilter
= Not used in Fasttracker/Taketracker so is always ignored.
{int} iSamples
= [optional] The number of samples to make this frame, usually the remaining samples to fill in the oAudioBuffer object.

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