1 /**
  2  * This file is part of the Web Enabled Audio and Sound Enhancement Library (aka the Weasel audio library) Copyright 2011 - 2013 Warren Willmey. It is covered by the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation, you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  3  */
  5 if( undefined == window.weasel ) window.weasel = {};
  7 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8 /** Object to contain a single cell of M.K. 31 instrument Soundtracker pattern 
  9  * data (4 cells per pattern row). Differs from a Ultimate Soundtracker pattern cell
 10  * in that the note period is limited to 12 bits and the instrument number is 8 bits in size 
 11  * 
 12  * @constructor
 13  * @param {int} iPatternCellData = The pattern cell data as a 32bit integer which takes the form innniedd, n = note, i = instrument number, e = effect number, d = effect data.
 14  * 
 15  * @author Warren Willmey 2012
 16  */
 17 weasel.MKPatternCell = function( iPatternCellData ){
 19 	this.parent = weasel.PatternCell;
 21 	// Needed for prototype Inheritance.
 22 	//
 23 	if( undefined === iPatternCellData )
 24 		return;
 26 	this.parent( iPatternCellData );
 28 };
 30 weasel.MKPatternCell.prototype = new weasel.PatternCell;
 32 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 33 /**
 34  * Set the pattern cell data for this M.K. 31 instrument Soundtracker cell.
 35  * 
 36  * @param {int} iPatternCellData = In format of 0x12345678 where:
 37  * , 0x1    = upper nibble of the instrument number, actually just uses bit 4 as max of 31 instruments
 38  *   0x234  = note period value
 39  * , 0x5    = lower nibble of the instrument number
 40  * , 0x6    = effect number
 41  * , 0x78   = effect parameter.
 42  * 
 43  * @override
 44  */
 45 weasel.MKPatternCell.prototype.setCell = function( iPatternCellData )
 46 {
 47 	this.iNotePeriod			= (iPatternCellData >>> 16) & 0xfff;
 48 	this.iInstrumentNumber		= ((iPatternCellData >>> 12) & 0xf) | ((iPatternCellData >>> 24) & 0x10);
 49 	this.iEffectNumber			= (iPatternCellData >>>  8) & 0xf;
 50 	this.iEffectParameterValue	=  iPatternCellData & 0xff;
 51 };